18: Loch Down

I thought my beans were going on holiday to Scotland when I heard them talking about Loch Down.  Turns out they were talking about ‘Lockdown’ - isn’t the English language confusing at times.

Anyway it seems that Leeds has been added to the list of places that the government (and that nice Mr Johnson - I like him, he’s like a long-haired puppy) thinks need additional restrictions to halt the surge in Covid-19 cases.  For my beans, the bit they don’t like is the fact that they can’t visit other members of the family - and those family members can’t visit them.  

Though I do have some sympathy, they should remember that most dogs are removed from their family at a very early age with no prospect of being reunited - even for short visits.  The biter bit, eh?

Humans are inconsistent like that - they often complain about things done to them  .... even though they ,might readily do that same thing to others. Queue jumping, for example. Even though most humans love to beat a queue, they complain bitterly if someone else does it.  I suppose that they are ‘only human’ after all.  We dogs are made of tougher moral fibre .... once trained, we stick to the rules (unless there is food involved, of course).

As an example .... TOWTSH generally takes me for walks - often to the park, which I love.  I have learned when going round the smaller of the two lakes that it pays to amble and sniff a lot.  Then when one gets to the place where children go to feed the ducks, while they think I’m sstill ambling and sniffing, I can take the time to identify and hoover up small bits of dropped food. 

I believe Karen, the beans’ daughter, is coming this evening for a last visit before the lockdown starts at midnight.  I don’t like her or her family.  Why?  No special reason - they are just human beans and I feel it easier to dislike beans on principle rather than wait for, or invent, reasons. 

I’m off now to sit in the kitchen and look hungry (whilst remaining cute). It sometimes works on TOWTLH.


19: Keeping Warm


17: The Vet Report