224: I Was Right (Again)

I told you about the conspiracy last week - how my beans were planning either their death or a holiday.

Well, it turns out to have been a holiday.  They are evidently somewhere called the Isle of Man (not the Isle of Dogs).  They seem to contact their pup fairly regularly but so far no direct communication with me.  

They left last Sunday and are not back yet (I write this on a Saturday) so it looks like a two week vacation.  Two whole weeks!  That’s  mmmm, a lots of days - and a lot of nights. 

I hope they are not enjoying themselves - or they might want to do it again.   I hope they are pining for their beautiful Gina (that’s me) and regretting abandoning me.

Philip has looked after me as well as he could but he can’t take me for walks.  (Not because he’s incompetent or uncaring - I just won’t let him.).  He drags me out occasionally but I make myself very heavy and stand firm.  He’s too afraid to pull too hard on the lead so I normally win the tug-of-war and he takes me back in.

I’m  missing my longer walks with TOWTSH though.  He’s got used to my quirks and foibles and the fact that we go at my pace and visit all possible sources of food and treats.

Can I last out another week?  Looks like I’ll have to.


225:Chocolate-faced embarrassment


223: Conspiracy