225:Chocolate-faced embarrassment

I had an embarrassing incident on Tuesday.

It was 7:45 am. We were in the park (TOWTSH and me) . As usual he was walking on the path and I was in parallel, about 40 meters away walking by the wall (a source of litter - and, hence, food scraps).

I smelt, and then spotted, something chocolately

Dogs are not supposed to eat chocolate … though I’m not sure why. On the few occasions I have tried it - always without permission - I’ve enjoyed it … and have had no harmful consequences.

This thing I found was a drinking vessel … I later found out it was s ‘plastic glass’ (a strange term and concept). It had a domed top on it … though that was loose. I got the top off using my extraordinary dexterity snd stuck my nose in. I had to push hard to reach the few drops of chocolatey liquid. (The ‘glass’ had obviously held something like a chocolate milk shake.)

TOWTSH noticed I had stopped making progress laong the wall and came to investigate. I looked at him with the glass firmly stuck on my nose. He laughed.

I can’t blame him- I must have looked rather comical.

All I could do was look pleadingly at him - so he would end my predicament and my embarrassment. Thankfully he did. I half expected him to stop snd take a photo but he’s too kind for that.

Will I do things differently if the situation re-occor?

 I doubt it.  I’m a slow learner - and I love chocolate!


226: I Don’t Like Popcorn


224: I Was Right (Again)