226: I Don’t Like Popcorn

Those of you who know me will find the heading of this blog post  a little strange.

I like most (if not all) foods - even those, like chocolate, that are allegedly bad for me.

So, why not popcorn?

Well, dear readers (addressing the  reader directly is a literary construction beloved of some Victorian authors according to an online writing course I did some years ago … you didn’t think my skills were all a result of natural talent, did you?)

As I was saying …. Well, dear readers,  I have (deliberately and, hopefully entertainingly, misled you with that headline.  It does not refer to the variety of corn kernel that expands and puffs up when heated …. but rather to  a little cockapoo with the same name.  

As a pure bred pedigree dog, I naturally look down on cross breeds and mongrels. They are dogs of lesser status.   Now I don’t mind them too much except when, as this one did, they invade my space and , even worse, want to have fun.

Fun!  Fun is over-rated.  It is simply a diversion front life’s true journey.  If I spent all my time having  fun, do you think I would be writing this blog.  Of course not!.  Fun takes us away from the (sometimes harsh) realities and duties of life.

Karen (my beans’ other pup) brought Popcorn on Sunday.  Popcorn is not her dog - she just dogsits occasionally.  When she does, she always brings Popcorn to our house - probably to annoy me.

Popcorn then runs wild in OUR garden and in OUR house….. MY garden and MY house.  It shouldn’t be allowed … it shouldn’t happen to a dog (ME!).   Hopefully she has gone back to her real owners by now (Karen’s friends who, for some reason, must have wanted a cross-breed, fun-loving dog (with no manners and little sense).

No traces in MY house anyway.

Goodbye and Good Riddance!



227: Education! Education! Education!


225:Chocolate-faced embarrassment