227: Education! Education! Education!

What a cheek!

My beans’ second pup’s pup (officially, their grandson, I believe) has recently got a cirstificate.  (In fact, he has got a qualification, the cirstificate comes later.)  The qualification was graded as a ‘distinction star’ which is evidently very good.  The beans cooed and clapped and praised him relentlessly.

When I get praised it’s usually brief and focused - on some minor achievement.  It occasionally results in me receiving a small treat, whereas I understand the pup’s pup received some kind of financial reward in addition to the lavish praise.

Its the same the whole world over….. one law for human beans, one law for dogs.

It’s a barking shame! 

I thought about starting a protest movement … but, on reflection, I can’t be bothered.


228: Dam It!


226: I Don’t Like Popcorn