255: My Wish Came True
Last week, I was hoping to see some sunshine.
On Thursday, I woke to sunshine
Yes, the power of dog meant that this week, we got sunshine.- snd three degrees Centigrade.
That met my expectations as published ….. but my (implied admittedly) expectation was that sunshine would bring a degree of warmth. That’s the usual deal.
Luckily my beans are what is termed as ‘quite well-off and can afford to keep the central heating on even with the missing heating allowance.
That statement raises the spectre of politics. I was told by TOWTSH when I started this blog not to write about politics, religion or anything his mum would have regarded as ‘smutty’ (which I think means anything related to sexual body parts or sexual activity.
Well, occasionally I do things I’m not supposed to - so here goes.
Governments are strange constructions. They presumably are built from individuals who enter politics to ‘make a difference’ because they have strong views and strong, personal values. Yet, their actions often belie this simple statement.
I don’t think anyone entered politics to take money from pensioners to give to richer people and shareholding individuals. Nor did they enter politics to make people homeless, to widen devisions in society - or start wars.
It shows that human beans are inherently flawed - especially when they group together within a formalised, structure with a common purpose (even those with good intentions).
They preach understanding, tolerance. love. … but often practice division, envy and selfishness.
What they need is an injection of ‘dogness’. Dogs are respectful, loyal and loving (on a lifelong basis). When they make a promise, they keep it.
Keir and Kemi, take note! (What’s with 4 letter ‘K’ names?). Get a dog - and learn from it.