33: I’m Sick of it.

In the last few days, I have been sick three times.  Not the usual - sick of politics, sick of Donald Trump, sick of junk TV, sick of being treated like a moron .......   but physically sick.

Actual vomiting.

It really frightens my beans.  They fuss and coo over me, asking me what’s wrong ... as if I might tell them. 

It frightens me just a little.

I assume my beans are not poisoning me deliberately so it must be accidental - or I am poisoning myself with the scraps I pick up on my walks.   Yesterday, what did I eat ‘alfresco’?  A bit of twig, one or two leaves, one mouthful of someone’s discarded pizza, some brown paper, some green concoction on the pavement (sidewalk for US readers) but little else.  That sounds like quite a good salad to me but perhaps it does not mix well with the nutritionally-balanced food my beans give me.

Of course I could stop seeking out these delights when walking but that would make the walks significantly less interesting.  TOWTSH suggested we could play ’I-spy’ but on my park walks, we would soon exhaust ‘tree’, ‘grass’, ‘path’, ‘jogger’, ‘syringe’ and ‘condom’.

TOWTSH says that in these pandemic days (see you can mention it without using the word ‘unprecedented’) we should all follow the ‘spirit of the law’, taking whatever small risks we feel are acceptable as long as we don’t threaten the health of others.

This is also my philosophy .... so I will continue to forage while walking, understanding that it might occasionally lead to a bout of sickness or ‘gippy tummy’.

At least I don’t have to clean up the mess ... though if the beans would leave it, I would re-eat it later. 

Sorry, I have to go ... I’ve spotted some gloves that have fallen on the floor. Interesting smell .... and they might have the last vestiges of some food.


34: Why do I Chase Cats?


32: Sympathy