34: Why do I Chase Cats?

Those of you who know me will know that I’m am not an excitable or physical dog.  I rarely run (what’s the point of running - it uses up energy which I need for other things). 

However, especially recently, I have found myself chasing cats (and even occasionally squirrels). I don’t mean to.  I just see one and I’m off in pursuit.

I never catch them. 

I have two great handicaps. Firstly, they all seem to be both faster and more agile than me. 

Perhaps more importantly, with cats, I can only run as far as my extending lead will allow. If I run further, either me or TOWTSH is yanked off our feet.

With squirrels, which I chase in the park, they are noticeably better climbers of trees than I am.

So, before I start a chase, I know my chances of success are almost zero. I could be physically hurt at the extent of the lead. My pride will certainly be hurt as I look such a fool as a smaller creature escapes very easily.

So, why I do it?     TOWTSH says it is an instinct.  I am driven to do it by centuries of breeding which have somehow retained this drive to chase potential prey.

Well, I feel that intelligence and reason should trump instinct.  I intend to show that this illogical drive to chase can be subdued by rational thought. 

Wish me luck.  I will report in the future on the outcome.


35: So many Maxines


33: I’m Sick of it.