35: So many Maxines

I see Maxine is in the news again.  Evidently there are three Maxines now.

They must be some kind of super-hero because, according to the pundits on TV, they are going to save the world.

Our illustrious leader, BoJo to his friends, has taken command because he has ordered (many times over) two of these Maxines to save Britons first.

The rise of feminine superheroes is wider than this - though not all are so simply named. The Prittster, for example.  Presumably she solves problems using Pritt stick - using a sticky substance to solve sticky problems does have a certain irony. 

Some of you will be wondering what on earth is this dog talking about. Well, remember ... I am only commenting on the human world .... it is you humans that create the world I observe. 

To change the subject entirely, I may have mentioned previously that the people in my street meet daily (outdoors on a totally social distanced basis of course) for a chat and a coffee if they bring their own ... which many do.

Occasionally someone supplies cake ... usually, but not always, to celebrate a birthday.  

Well, the other morning, the Bickers (the ones with the new human pup, Ralph) supplied hot pastries .... a new and welcome innovation .... since pastries drop more  crumbs than most cakes - and I, as guest dog, can mop up.

That, was therefore a good day. Three good walks, 3 lesser (but welcome) walks and plenty of crumbs. 

What more could a dog ask?


36: Tears Before Bedtime


34: Why do I Chase Cats?