37: Are We Under Attack?

Something weird is happening.  Strange stuff is falling out of the sky.  What is it?

TOWTSH is talking about ‘snow’ and ‘sleet’ but he doesn’t explain what they are.  Are they dangerous? Is it some kind of drug dropped by the ‘deep state’ to render us unconscious while Brexit is extended?

I took one look. It and thought ...”:Well, it doesn’t look as bad as rain” so I told TOWTSH that I was willing to go for a walk - but not to the park. I wanted to stay close to home in case I needed to make a run for my bed. So I opted for a walk round the streets.

To make sure he understood, I presented my view to TOWTSH in verse form:

Dark, no!

      Park, no!

      Sleet, yes.

      Street, yes.

Not exactly Wordsworth, I know but it got my point over.  

Actually, it wasn’t too bad, though I did end up quite wet.  This country seems to have myriad ways of making you wet.

Now I need to sit by the fire and dry off.

If only we had a fire!


38: What is a Menu?


36: Tears Before Bedtime