38: What is a Menu?

I love my food.  The highlights of my day are my two main meals and my post-morning-walk ‘meaty strip’ treat.   I like my walks, of course, but they pale against the joy of being given food. 

I am actually on a diet because the evil vet says I am overweight but I just think I am big-boned and curvaceous. This means that my meagre rations become even more important.  

I eat a special blend of salmon and potato - formed into pellets and nutritionally balanced with all the vitamins I need for a glossy coat. (Makes me sound like an interior door!) 

My human beans have long discussions about ‘What shall we have for our meal, this evening?’ and they seem to have many different types of food within a week.  I believe that in the olden days when humans went out to restaurants to eat a meal, they were presented with something called a menu and they could choose the food they would eat.  This puts the burden on them to do their own nutritional balancing - and all the evidence suggests that many humans do a very poor job of it.  

So, why don’t they just buy a pre-balanced, pre-prepared food like my humans buy for me.  It would save all the discussion about choice, yet. ensure they ate well and indeed probably kept well.

You can see, I hope, why I sometimes despair about the human race.  They have all the knowledge they need to feed themselves well and healthily .... but they choose, more often than not, to eat a poor diet which increases their chances of future illness and disease.   

Wait .... I’ve just spotted a loose pellet which must have escaped when TOWTLH gave me my last meal.  I’ll just hoover it up and improve my well-being.


39: TV Review


37: Are We Under Attack?