59: Lockdown Over?

A couple of days ago, my beans took me to another house where they had coffee with some other people.  Evidently this is legal now. That nice Mr Johnson - the one who looks like a labrador that’s been pulled through a hedge - gave them permission.

This is bad news. Pretty soon they will be going off on visits and leaving me behind.

When they do leave me behind, they ask their invisible servant - Alexa - to play Radio 2.  I’ve tried barking 3 times just before they leave but they never put Radio 3 on.  How am I ever going to acquire sophisticated musical tastes?

Those of you who know me will know that I have a few psychological hangups. Separation anxiety is one of them.  When my beans are not there, I worry that they will not return and I will starve to death.   (Actually I get that feeling most days after 2 hours without food.)

Humans do not seem to have this food compulsion; they don’t need feeding so frequently..... except for human pups like Ralph and Imogen, of course.

So, perhaps, I have just not grown up .... though I am somewhat bigger than I used to be. My humans tell me I am 6 years old - should I be grown up, or am I still a puppy?

Life puts these questions in front of me on a daily basis - and I have no doggy mentor to help me think them through.

I know I should just ‘go with the flow’ .... but I can’t help worrying.

I need a psychiatrist.  ... but I’ll settle for a biscuit


60: Inputs andOutputs!


58: Name Calling