60: Inputs andOutputs!

My outputs have been increasing recently. This is not a reflection of my productivity but of my digestive situation. For the last year or so - in fact ever since I reached adulthood - I have been to the toilet (to do what human beans euphemistically refer to as “Number 2”) regularly once each day.  However over the last month or so, this has risen to twice each day.

The problem is that generally one of the two occasions occurs during the nighttime when I am unable to access external toilet areas. I am forced to use the rug in the kitchen - giving TOWTSH (who generally comes downstairs first) a bit of a shock.  He then looks disappointingly at me (though, to fair, he never moans or chastises me).

Of course it is the beans’ fault. A few weeks ago, they changed my diet. They use food from the same company but the one I have now is described as being ‘For Working Dogs’.

The ignominy! Do I look working class?

  I think they changed to save a little money. Am I not worth what they were previously spending?

Oh for an end to short-term thinking.

Of course I don’t do what I do to punish them. I don’t do it deliberately at all.

It is just an unfortunate situation we find ourselves in and I don’t know how to get out of it. Perhaps time will, this time, actually be the great healer.  Perhaps my beans will revert to my previous diet.  Perhaps there are fairies.


61: Happy Birthday


59: Lockdown Over?