67:What is ‘Wine’?

TOWTSH has just had an emergency telephone call from a friend of his - a special kind of friend often described  to third parties as a ‘drinking buddy’ though I don’t think that means they share the same drinking bowl.

I didn’t hear all of the conversation - male humans often talk in voices too low for me to hear, especially when I’m trying to eavesdrop on both sides of a telephone conversation.  

I did hear words like ‘discount’, ‘clubcard’, and ‘Malbec’, which from past experience of similar conversations, I know refers to something called wine.  Again, from past experience I know wine is something that many human beans regard as one of life’s great essentials -something to be consumed in times of stress, happiness, sadness …. when relaxing, when agitated, when suffering …. at weekends, on weekdays … in summer, in winter …  in elegant wine glasses, in thick pottery mugs …. you get the picture.

Anyway TOWTSH only 10 minutes later was in the car and off to somewhere called TESCO to explore this emergency.  (Coco, one of the other dogs in our street, who has been well-educated by her owners, tells me that Tesco is Latin for ”I shop”.)

TOWTSH was not absent long but when he returned, he smuggled 2 cases (that clanked rather s lot) into the garage before TOWTLH could comment or issue any sanctions).

What I am looking for is a simple explanation of why humans in general, and TOWTSH in particular, set such store by this commodity, and why the phone call he received required such precipitous action? 


68: Have You Seen Him?


66: Baby, Its Cold Outside