74: What’s he done now?

You, if you are a regular reader, will know that TOWTSH has been causing me problems lately - abandoning me to go to play at the seaside, for example.

Well, now he has stopped taking me for walks.

Why? I hear you ask.

Well, he claims to be ill, to be suffering from something called sciatica (forgive my spelling if it is wrong, medical terms are difficult for me.)

He is walking while carrying some kind of stick but he never throw it for me to fetch. Of course he knows that I don’t indulge in such childish games.

He takes a couple of steps and yelps in pain. He does a good limp.He is quite convincing.  But I think he has a very low pain threshold.

He should try pup birth - now, that’s pain, especially with a litter of six.

I’m thinking of telling him he’s on borrowed time - if he doesn’t buck up his ideas - and his dog-caring -  he’ll have to go …. or I will … to an owner who can walk properly, stay at home and feed me regularly.

Its not too much to ask, is it?


75: Sporting Odds


73: What is a Sutt?