75: Sporting Odds

I have been watching the Olympic Games. Well, there really wasn’t much choice - it seems to be on the TV for most of the day and night.

Every conceivable sport seems to be there -except frisbee catching, greyhound racing and, my favourite, bed blanket wrestling..  

The  Brits (that’s what we call the Great Britain side when they are doing well) have done very well. According to the breathless commentary I’ve been listening to, we have won lots of old medals - and that seems to be very good.

Someone called Tom Daley (anyone remember a very old song called “Hang Down Your Head, Tom Daley”?) won an old medal for falling in the water with his partner, someone won one for riding a bike round a field, Adam Peaty won old for (am I allowed to say this?) stroking breasts and the commentators decided to christen the day ‘Magic Monday’. 

Note: None of these sports people scored a goal - or any runs … yet they were all given an old medal.  At least they did n’t lose their medals on penalties.

I’m not sure I’ll ever understand sport!


76: Eye-Opener


74: What’s he done now?