80: For Sale?

I’ve been doing a bit of reading lately.  It tends to be snippets of newspapers and magazines which the human beans leave lying around.  Reading fiction is hard because I can’t turn pages with my paws and no-one leaves a book lying around with each page exposed in turn.

However, I have noticed lots of stories in the press about the way that the cost of buying a dog has risen massively during the COVID lockdown. Evidently, I am worth about double what I was a couple of years ago.

Good for me!

Then, of course I started worrying about whether my beans will want to realise their asset by selling me.

I couldn’t face having to train a new owner, having to adapt to new habits, new expectations. 

One hears a lot about  the loyalty of dogs to their owners - but less about the other easy round … the loyalty of owners to their dogs.

So, I’d better be careful with my behaviour over the next few weeks and months. I’d better show my loyalty - even when the biscuit tin is closed!


81: Friend or Foe?


79: Power Struggle