54: Rants on Reflection

When I looked back recently at these blog posts, I realised that many of them are just rants …. me letting off steam about something that has upset, angered or mystified me.

That surprised me - and I suspect many of you…. who know me as a very calm, good natured dog who observes the world but usually just lets it roll by.

Of course, on further reflection, I realise it is simply just the stupidity of human beans that causes most of the rants.  They are supposed to  be an intelligent species, but seem to think infrequently and rather shallowly about many issues.

Take the pandemic. (Please, take the pandemic!)  The government  in general, and Mr Johnson in particular, seem to have made quite a few mistakes in their handling of the crisis yet they are now basking in the happy afterglow of a successful vaccine deployment process.  The population is too busy thinking of their first meal out and their next holiday to remember the initial slow reaction to the crisis or the disastrous test and trace strategy or any of the other governmental errors.

Perhaps that is how beans manage to live without suffering poor mental health and excess stress. They concentrate on the present and on what went well. I believe this is at the heart of what is called ‘mindfulness’ - something most dogs have no concept of since their minds are generally empty.

So, from now, i intend to rant less and criticise less.  I shall be the model of happiness or, at worst, contented indifference. 

Let’s see how well that goes.


55: Not Another One


53: Inspector Morse